SmartApps Plug-in Activation for Offline Computers

If your computer is not connected to the internet, please use the following steps to activate your SmartApps Plug-in. If you have not already done so, go to the "About SmartApps Plug-ins" screen under the "Help" menu in your creative application, click on the "Activate" button. Then, click on the "Create Request" button to get the Activation Request File. Now you are able to proceed.

Enter Activation Code:

Activation Request File (Required): 

After hitting submit, if the Activation Code and Activation Request file is processed successfully, your browser will request that you select some place to save the returned V2C. Generating the V2C file may take a minute.

If you encounter an issue, please contact our support team at 1-800-295-8324 or Make sure you have your activation code and activation request file with you so that they can better assist you.

Still need to install your plug-in? See the SmartApps Installation Guide PDF